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The Litter Guy litter clean up services

Nothing can ruin an image faster for a business than a customer encountering trash & litter in their parking lot.

Your company works very hard to maintain its image, why not provide a daily parking lot cleaning service to keep it that way?

The Litter Guy removal service is cost effective, and a proven way to keep your property free from all litter, debris, and broken glass.

My Standard Services include...

Cleaning parking lots of litter.

Hand picking debris from the parking lot, around planters and landscaping.

Emptying litter containers and ashtrays situated on sidewalks.

Emptying and relining trash receptacles.

Hand blowing and hand sweeping sidewalks.

My aim is to schedule the litter clean up service at a time that makes most sense for both tenants and customers.

I find that providing the parking lot cleaning service during off-peak hours when the parking area is less busy and has less traffic, is a system that works well.

All litter and debris from the cleaning go into the trash and recycling containers located on the customer premises.


The Litter Guy Removal customers include:

Strip Malls/Shopping Centers



Small Professional Office Buildings

Retail Stores including: Warehouse Clubs, Drug Stores

Fast food single/multiple tenant locations

Healthcare Facilities/Urgent Care Centers

Apartment Buildings

Educational Facilities

The Litter Guy is owner operated, so the attention to detail is always paramount

“Growing up has taught me, that if you tell someone you are going to do something, you do it! It is a guiding principal that I live by both in and out of business.”

Angel Torres is the owner and operator of The Litter Guy. Growing up in southern California, he witnessed what successful businesses look like and the common denominator was a clean presentation. Angel takes great pride in the services he provides and strongly believes every business should have access to this type of service at a very economical price.

I specialize in providing daily parking lot litter cleanup with a focus on keeping your parking lot and grounds free of litter. Being present out in the field, and on the job daily, is what separates The Litter Guy from the rest.
Customer service and follow-up is crucial and the main reason I started this business. “I clean up litter like it’s my own home.”

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